
Levan Akin - filmography

27 December 2024

Directed by: Levan Akin
Cast: Mzia Arabuli, Lucas Kankava, Deniz Dumanli
Category: drama

Podobnie jak w swoich poprzednich filmach, szwedzki reżyser o gruzińskich korzeniach Levan Akin („A potem tańczyliśmy”) podejmuje temat przełamywania barier. Nie tylko tych ideologicznych, ale również... more

25 September 2020

And Then We Danced
Directed by: Levan Akin
Cast: Levan Gelbakhiani, Bachi Valishvili, Ana Javakishvili

Merab (Levan Gelbakhiani), who is in love with dance, trains at the Georgian National Ballet from an early age. His only dream is to get into the main line-up, thanks to which he will be able to go on... more