
Solnechnyy udar

Directed by: Nikita Michałkow

Cinema program "Solnechnyy udar" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Udar słoneczny
Original title: Solnechnyy udar
Runtime: 130 min.
Production: Rosja , 2014
Category: drama
Release Date: 1 April 2016
Distribution: Art-House

Directed by: Nikita Michałkow
Cast: Martinsh Kalita, Viktoriya Solovyova, Anastasiya Imamova

Log on motives "Cursed Days" and the story "Sunstroke" by Ivan Bunin. Feeryczna story of a violent and unexpected love. Only one passionate night spent with a stranger is the main character beginning of amorous madness. This "sunstroke" persists even in the days of the terrible destruction of the Russian Empire.

Average rate: 8.0
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Movie trailer: Solnechnyy udar

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