
Cinema program "Tully" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Tully
Original title: Tully
Runtime: 94 min.
Production: USA , 2018
Category: comedy / drama
Release Date: 11 May 2018
Distribution: M2 Films

Directed by: Jason Reitman
Cast: Mackenzie Davis, Charlize Theron, Mark Duplass

Husband, home and three children! Marlo is a real superhero, but sometimes even superheroes need a moment's respite. One evening a mysterious nanny appears in the door of Marlo's house ... A young, sexy and crazy babysitter quickly turns upside down the life of the whole family. Marlo has to face a hit and energetic girl who has everything Marlo lost.

Average rate: 3.0
rating 3.0 rating 3.0 rating 3.0 rating 3.0 rating 3.0 rating 3.0 rating 3.0 rating 3.0 rating 3.0 rating 3.0
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IMDb© rate: Tully on IMDb

Movie trailer: Tully

Your comments

Stokrotka 17. May 2018, 5:57

Film ciekawy, nieprzewidywalny, niby prosty a z dużą głębią, o życiu - do przemyślenia ...

Aga 15. May 2018, 19:29

Swietny, ale uwaga - to nie jest komedia!!

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