Cinema program "Theory of Everything" in Gdańsk
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"Theory of Everything"
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Runtime: 123 min.
Production: Wielka Brytania , 2014
Category: biography / drama
Release Date: 30 January 2015
Distribution: UIP
Directed by: James Marsh
Cast: Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Emily Watson
"Theory of everything" / The Theory of Everything / is a very beautiful and edifying story of a form of one of the greatest minds of our time, the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. It's also a story about two people who, through love, able to face any adversity. The director of the film, which was based on the Jane Hawking published memoirs My Life with Stephen. Journey to infinity, is an Academy Award winner James Marsh ("Man on Wire" / Man on Wire /).
In 1963, Stephen (played by Eddie Redmayne known from "Les Misérables. Les Miserables" / Les Misérables /) student of astronomy and cosmology at the University of Cambridge, has been great achievements in their field and ambitions of finding "a simple but eloquent explanation" of the universe . In addition, the personal experience of other open before him, a complete unknown territory. Stephen falls in love with a colleague from Cambridge, a student of the humanities, Jane Wilde (Felicity Jones from the movie "The Invisible Woman" / The Invisible Woman /). But at age 21, this young, active and promising great scientist receives a devastating diagnosis: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. How decrees doctors, the disease quickly attacked his mobility, limit the ability to communicate, and you may also find that Stephen will leave no more than two years old.
Love Jane, her support and determination in the fight against the disease appear to be unshakable beloved by force, by which, despite adversity pair collected. With his side a loving and supportive wife, Stephen does not allow the thought that doctors put the diagnosis can be final. Jane invites her husband finished his doctorate to which there are the beginnings of the famous theory of the creation of the universe. Hawkingów family grows and Stephen after obronieniu acclaimed doctorate takes to be their most ambitious scientific task, studying the issue that happened in his life a precious thing - time.
Time has always been fascinated by the genius scientist - when the universe was created, when it will end and what will happen between the two boundary points (his thoughts on the subject has entered into a best-selling, high-performance 1988 book A Brief History of Time. From the Big Bang to black holes ). However, the issue of time, it is essential for a scientist also on personal grounds. Coping with the disease is a continuous race against time to raise the bet by doctors crossbar two years of life for another win for months and years. Stephen wants to live despite the deepening limitations of the body and speech. Also wants to love at the side of the woman he loved. Contrary to all the negotiations, both time and love become his participation. Fate brings him much more than he could have expected.
His body is faced with growing challenges, but his mind does not give up, and delves into more advanced topics in theoretical physics. At the turn of the century his name is mentioned in one row with the name of Albert Einstein.
Together, Stephen and Jane run contrary to all expectations, science and medicine, achieving more than they could have dreamed of.

Movie trailer: Theory of Everything
Your comments
7-8/10. Polecam
chciałbym dodać ale ten film jest o takich godzinach że nie ma kiedy pójść albo bardzo wcześnie albo późno oczywiście w łodzi
Film zasługuje moim zdaniem na dwa Oscary, jeden przyznany już za znakomicie zagraną arcytrudną rolę dla Eddie Redmaynera, a drugi za za sam film, który wzbudza fascynację dla umysłu ludzkiego mimo krańcowej niesprawności fizycznej, a także wzbudzający uznanie w dążeniu człowieka do odkrycia tajemnicy wszechświata. Polecam !
Wyjatkowo zgodne komentarze, dolaczam sie do nich. Piekne i wzruszajace angielskie kino, lektura obowiazkowa.
Dobry film, wzruszający 8/10
Piękny film.
Miłośnicy czarnych dziur
jednak będą zawiedzeni. To jest
film o... miłości.
Doskonały :)...Film, na który na pewno warto pójść.
Piękny film. Wzruszająca historia. Warto zobaczyć.