

Directed by: Marta Karwowska

Cinema program "Tarapaty" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Tarapaty
Original title: Tarapaty
Runtime: 83 min.
Production: Polska , 2017
Category: adventure
Release Date: 15 September 2017
Distribution: Next Film

Directed by: Marta Karwowska
Cast: Roma Gąsiorowska, Jowita Budnik, Piotr Głowacki

Friendship is not such a simple matter, and Julka knows it well. She is 12 years old, going to boarding school and never had a real friend. The holiday begins, and with them trouble. Julka instead of her parents in Canada, goes to her aunt in Warsaw. In the same tenement house Olek lives with an inseparable dog Pulpet. When the kids get into the treasure map, the adventure begins. On the way to solve the riddle becomes a thief gang, nanny - an addictive smoker and suspicious candy eater. Nobody is the one to say and the race continues. To get out of this story, Julka must overcome distrust and dare to be friends.

Average rate: 7.0
rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0
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Movie trailer: Tarapaty

Your comments

Melih 3. October 2017, 17:50

Super film familijny

eX 15. September 2017, 8:26

Dziękuję za ten trailer. W niecałe dwie minuty zaoszczędziłem 83 minuty z życia, bo opowiada on CAŁY film. Łącznie z tragicznym aktorstwem, fabułą żywcem zerżniętą z klasycznego "The Goonies" i zamiłowaniem do spadających z krzykiem dzieci, pod którymi nagle załamują się deski, co zdarza się w samym trailerze więcej niż raz.

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