
Je Fais Le Mort

Directed by: Jean-Paul Salome

Cinema program "Je Fais Le Mort " in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Sprawa dla dwojga
Original title: Je Fais Le Mort
Runtime: 104 min.
Production: Francja , 2013
Category: comedy
Release Date: 19 September 2014
Distribution: M2 Films

Directed by: Jean-Paul Salome
Cast: Francois Damiens, Geraldine Nakache, Lucien Jean-Baptiste

Jean Renault (François Damiens), actor of bygone glory, the unfortunate name (pronounced like ... Jean Reno), a fatal nightmare szczególarza reputation and an empty bank account gets one last chance - engagement as an assistant in the criminal case, led by a freshly baked Mrs. prosecutor (Géraldine Nakache).

Unusual role seems to be quite simple - is to play in the reconstruction of the deceased murder scene. However, cooperation with the lady prosecutor sparks from the beginning, because even in the silent role of Jean has a lot to say and interferes with the smallest element of the investigation.

Average rate: 4.0
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Movie trailer: Je Fais Le Mort

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