
Ściana cieni

Directed by: Eliza Kubarska

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Original title: Ściana cieni
Runtime: 98 min.
Production: Polska/Niemcy/Szwajcaria , 2020
Release Date: 26 February 2021
Distribution: Against Gravity

Directed by: Eliza Kubarska

In eastern Nepal is one of the last sacred Sherpa Mountains, Kumbhakarna, named after the mythical giant who slept for six months and then devoured everything in his way in great hunger. The Buddhist monks and Sherpas from the village at the foot of the mountain protect the holy face of Kumbhakarna. Meanwhile, in the western world, Khumbakarna is known as "Jannu" and is famous for its impregnable eastern face, one of the most difficult challenges in modern mountaineering. Jannu reaches almost eight thousand meters. The action of the film begins in the village of Kambachen (4,000 meters above sea level), where the Sherpas family of three live in one room. The father of the family, Nada, has been working as a high-altitude porter on expeditions for many years. This is their only source of income. Nada has climbed Everest nine times, was on the top of Kanchendzonga (the third highest peak in the world) twice and Cho Oyu several times. His wife, Jumdo, also makes extra work from time to time, carrying heavy packages of mountaineers and tourists. Their teenage son, Dawa, wants to become a doctor, but the costs of medical school far exceed the parents' possibilities. If they do not find a way to finance it, the boy will have to assist the Himalayan expeditions, just like them. One day, Nada is offered a job as a porter on an expedition to Saint Kumbhakarna. If she agrees, it will mean breaking the taboo and exposing myself to the wrath of the gods. But this trip is also a chance to earn money to educate Dawa.

In February 2019, an expedition composed of the best mountaineers in the world sets off, with the goal of reaching the virgin Jannu / Khumbakarna wall. The participants are: the Pole Marcin Tomaszewski and the Russians Dmitri Gołowczenko and Sergey Nilow, twice awarded for their mountaineering achievements with an Oscar: the Golden Ice ax. The expedition is accompanied by the entire Sherpa family. A helicopter with mountaineers lands in the village. Unfortunately, the great snowfall will not let the trip go until the very end, and is only the beginning of many increasing difficulties. Will the gods of Kumbhakarna forgive people their audacity?

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