
Rock Dog

Directed by: Ash Brannon

Cinema program "Rock Dog" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Rock Dog. Pies ma głos!
Original title: Rock Dog
Runtime: 90 min.
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Ash Brannon
Cast: Luke Wilson, J.K. Simmons, Eddie Izzard

Full of humor, adventures and emotions an animated story about fulfilling your dreams. The director is based on the famous Pixar Ash Brannon - scriptwriter and director of the Oscar-nominated "Na wave" and co-creator of the award-winning Golden Globe "Toy Story 2". In the English language version: J.K. Eddie Izzard ("Cars 2"), Sam Elliott ("Hulk"), Matt Dillon, Luke Wilson, and Jorge Garcia - known from the popular series "Lost - Lost," Simmons ("Megamind", "Animal"). The music was composed by Rolfe Kent ("Sidewalk"), a Golden Globe nominee. In the Polish cast of dubbing, we will hear such celebrities as Marcin Dorociński ("Sing"), Kuba Molęda ("Horton Hears Someone"), Anna Dereszowska ("Jungle Book"), Alexander Milwiw-Baron and Tomasz "Tomson" Lach - Jurors from the popular program The Voice of Poland and members of the Afromental team, Wiktor Zborowski ("Zwierzogrod") and Miroslaw Zbrojewicz ("The head does not fit").

Bono belongs to the proud race of Tibetan mastiffs. His father very much wants to join the elite guard who guard the settlements against the herd of wolf-eaters. But when one day in the paws of Bono gets the radio, thrown out of the plane and young dog hear the sounds of rock'n'roll, he already knows what his destiny. He convinces his father to give him a chance and moves to the big city to fulfill his dream and become a rock star.

Average rate: 8.0
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IMDb© rate: Rock Dog. Pies ma głos! on IMDb

Movie trailer: Rock Dog

Your comments

gosia 8. August 2017, 12:59

super film! Byłam z jedną córek ale drugą też chcę wysłać- z tatą, bo myślę, że warto.

Barbara Czyżewska 28. July 2017, 16:43


Pełen śmiesznych,smutnych i wzruszających scen,film który naprawdę warto oglądnąć.

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