
Cinema program "The Changeover" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Przemiana
Original title: The Changeover
Runtime: 95 min.
Production: Nowa Zelandia , 2017
Category: thriller
Release Date: 15 June 2018
Distribution: Mayfly

Directed by: Miranda Harcourt, Stuart McKenzie
Cast: Timothy Spall, Melanie Lynskey, Lucy Lawless

Teenage Laura Chant lives with her mother and younger brother Jacko in the poor neighborhood of Christchurch, New Zealand. The girl deals with the boy when the mother is at work. One day, Jacko disappears from her playground. The boy finds himself in the company of an elderly man who, in goodbye, puts a mysterious stamp on his hand. From that moment strange things start happening with Jacko. To save her brother's life, Laura must make a dangerous transformation that will allow her to gain supernormal abilities. Sorensen, a boy who has extraordinary power, helps her in her transformation.

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Movie trailer: The Changeover

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