
Beauty and the Dogs

Aala Kaf Ifrit
Directed by: Khaled Walid Barsaoui, Kaouther Ben Hania

Cinema program "Beauty and the Dogs" in Gdańsk

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Original title: Aala Kaf Ifrit
Runtime: 100 min.
Production: Tunezja / Francja / Szwecja / Norwegia/Liban/Katar/Szwajcaria , 2017
Category: crime / drama
Release Date: 6 April 2018
Distribution: Aurora Films

Directed by: Khaled Walid Barsaoui, Kaouther Ben Hania
Cast: Mohamed Akkari, Chedly Arfaoui, Anissa Daoud

Shown at the Cannes festival, the latest film by the highly-regarded Tunisian director Kaouther Ben Hania, who after the show collected a standing ovation.

"Beauty and the Beast" is a shocking thriller about a young woman who found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. The film is based on real events.

During a student event, Mariam, a young Tunisian, meets the mysterious Youssef, with whom he decides to leave the premises. A long night begins, during which Mariam will have to fight for her dignity.

Only how to get justice when the law is on the side of the persecutors?

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Movie trailer: Beauty and the Dogs

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