
Na układy nie ma rady

Directed by: Krzysztof Rurka

Cinema program "Na układy nie ma rady" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Na układy nie ma rady
Original title: Na układy nie ma rady
Runtime: 89 min.
Production: Polska , 2017
Category: comedy
Release Date: 8 September 2017
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Krzysztof Rurka
Cast: Grzegorz Małecki, Katarzyna Glinka, Michał Milowicz

The hit star "7 things you do not know about guys" and "Just a friendship", Grzegorz Małecki, in a hilarious comedy about the world of big politics, dirty money, bidding, corrupt officials and their sexy assistants. In the film cast, among others: Katarzyna Glinka, Michał Milowicz, Janek Wieczorkowski, Leszek Teleszyński, Anna Powierza, Marcin Kwaśny and Piotr Polk. The author of "There are no solutions" is Jarosław Żamojda, creator of "Young Wolves". "There are no boards" in theaters since September 8!

Small entrepreneur Marek Niewiadomski (Grzegorz Małecki) is barely bound to the end, trying to pay off debts and loans taken on a new business. When, to the despair of Mark and his wife (Katarzyna Glinka), all life plans - including the dream holiday in the Kanary - begin to fall, the man receives an offer not to be rejected. It is the position of the second deputy minister in one of the state departments. Along with the warm affair come the influence and money, as well as innumerable proposals for corruption and ... matrimonial. Whether the first steps in the business world and the great Marcus policy will prove to be a fair citizen, or his election will confirm the bitter rule that the system can not be resolved ...

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IMDb© rate: Na układy nie ma rady on IMDb

Movie trailer: Na układy nie ma rady

Your comments

Melih 3. October 2017, 17:46

beznadziejna szmira,rola Katarzyny Glinki istne dno tylko Malecki podtrzymuje klimat

Kasia 22. September 2017, 5:13

Masakra, nudny, męczący. Szkoda czasu i pieniedzy

Konopka 11. September 2017, 8:10

Okropnie slaby

am 11. September 2017, 6:05


J.C. 10. September 2017, 13:44

Wydawał się lepszy a w rzeczywistości to lipa .Szkoda czasu.

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