
The Shiny Shrimps

Les Crevettes Pailletees
Directed by: Maxime Govare, Cedric Le Gallo

Cinema program "The Shiny Shrimps" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Krewetki w cekinach
Original title: Les Crevettes Pailletees
Runtime: 103 min.
Production: Francja , 2019
Release Date: 27 September 2019
Distribution: Tongariro

Directed by: Maxime Govare, Cedric Le Gallo
Cast: Nicolas Gob, Alban Lenoir, Michael Abiteboul

"Shrimp in sequins" is an amateur water polo team that wants to compete in the Gay Games competition. They have enthusiasm and fantasy, but they lack a professional trainer. Matthias is falling from the sky - he was given this blow as a chance to improve his image after a controversial statement on television. Matthias tries to save his swimming career, but he does not expect what changes in his life can bring a cheerful bus trip to the final of the water polo competition in Croatia.

"Shrimp in sequins" is a charming comedy about friendship, dreams and being yourself - in the rhythm of reliable disco hits!

Average rate: 9.0
rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0
4 votes. | Rate movie
IMDb© rate: Krewetki w cekinach on IMDb

Movie trailer: The Shiny Shrimps

Your comments

Mores 14. October 2019, 12:43

Bardzo zabawny film nie tylko dla osób LGBT. Film pokazuje, jak trudno jest wejść w buty osób, które nie do końca rozumiemy... Polecam. Warto zastanowić się nad swoim zachowaniem, akceptacją i prawdziwą tolerancją.

Jake 27. September 2019, 20:54

Jestem świeżo po obejrzeniu. Film świetny - śmieszny, trochę do refleksji, bardzo do humoru. Polecam wszystkim, którzy szukają relaksu na weekend!

Ollek 18. September 2019, 19:30

Nie mogę się doczekać premiery "Krewetek w cekinach". Myślę, że to będzie świetny film, fajna komedia i niesamowita zabawa!

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