
Kobiety mafii 2

Directed by: Patryk Vega

Cinema program "Kobiety mafii 2" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Kobiety mafii 2
Original title: Kobiety mafii 2
Runtime: 135 min.
Production: Polska , 2019
Category: action / crime / drama
Release Date: 22 February 2019
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Patryk Vega
Cast: Agnieszka Dygant, Aleksandra Popławska, Katarzyna Warnke

The queens of the Polish mafia are returning to the gangster superproduction, setting new genre standards for national cinematography. The movie "Women of mafia 2" directed by Patryk Vega is a thrilling and inspired by real events sensational story, taking place simultaneously on three continents and six countries: in Poland, Germany, Spain, Morocco, Colombia and Dubai. Smuggling of drugs on an unprecedented scale, abductions and murders on commission, theft of the most expensive, luxury cars, the specter of global terrorism and the machinations of South American cartels - all in the continuation of one of the biggest box office hits of 2018! The continuation of the well-received "Mafia Women" is the development of the threads known from the first part, the return of an excellent cast and the injection of completely new, fresh blood. This time, with Agnieszka Dygant, Aleksandra Popławska and Katarzyna Warnke, Latin America's mega star Angie Cepeda will appear, unforgettable Lucecita from the series "Luz Maria" and Aleksandra Grabowska debuting on the big screen! In the men's part of the team will perform: Piotr Adamczyk, known from the hit Netflix "House of paper" - Enrique Arce, Janusz Chabior, as well as: Krzysztof Czeczot, Damian Kret, Patryk Pniewski, Otar Saralidze, world-famous bodybuilder - Michał Karmowski and popular Bonson rappers and Saturday. "Women of mafia 2", based on the script by Olaf Olszewski and Patryk Vega, is not only a festival of action and the power of special effects, but above all a powerful dose of humor, huge emotions, thrilling love stories and full-blooded heroines, thanks to which the Polish mafia will really reign new cleaning.

After taking power over the capital, Nanny's gang (Agnieszka Dygant) is preparing for the biggest smuggling action in the history of the country. The Warsaw terrorist group brings a ton of Colombian cocaine to the country. When the goods disappear in suspicious circumstances, and the cartel demands heads, a deadly dangerous Aida (Angie Cepeda) is sent to Poland. Colombian finds an ally in the person of a Tri-city smuggler - Mata (Piotr Adamczyk). Mafioso has long wanted to strengthen his position in the underworld, but his plans complicate the tense relationship with the rebellious daughter - Stella (Aleksandra Grabowska). At the same time, Swollen Anka (Katarzyna Warnke) is released for freedom. Loving maniacal luxury shopaholic miraculously survived prison hell, after which he hardly finds himself in a new reality. It is enough, however, to take an unexpected event to become the target of nationwide media and overnight become a "mafia celebrity." At the same time abroad, in Morocco, Siekiera (Aleksandra Popławska) is having a turbulent affair with Amir (Otar Saralidze) - a fighter of the Islamic state. When a man dies in a daring action with the participation of GROM commandos, the killing revenge returns to Poland. He has a deadly plan to fulfill.

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Movie trailer: Kobiety mafii 2

Your comments

koncysko 7. May 2019, 22:28

Kino niskich lotów, ale obejrzeć można :).

aaa 21. March 2019, 18:25

trudno wyobrazić sobie gorszy film...

aaa 20. March 2019, 6:43

film tak słaby, że język ludzki jest zbyt ubogi żeby to wyrazić ...

Obiektywny 6. March 2019, 19:48


Brzydko. 3. March 2019, 21:39

Zapomnieli dodać na początku filmu z ostrzeżeniem dla ludzi, którzy są wrażliwi na widok krwi. Bo nie jedna osoba mdlała na seansie.

Ona 3. March 2019, 7:51

Bardzo słabe kino, oczekiwaloby sie czegos wiecej chociaby po obsadziw

widz 3. March 2019, 7:08

Poziom filmu to totalne dno, lepiej gdyby pan Vega zaczął produkować pustaki...

mario 3. March 2019, 1:58

jakaś kpina W STOSUNKU do pierwszej części.
coś w stylu Gang OLSENA.
szkoda czasu i kasy.pan Vega chyba sobie zakpił....
nie polecam!!!!!!!!

Kanar 2. March 2019, 6:02

Kinomaniaku, Lepiej daj te 30zl (wartość biletu) osobie potrzebującej... a jak masz kartę unlted to spędź ten czas z dawno nie odwiedzana babcią...

elżbieta 1. March 2019, 21:59

Żenada !!! mówiąc krótko , bo szkoda słów , czasu i pieniędzy na bilet

ana 27. February 2019, 14:40

Beznadziejny. Jedynka byla super, ale dwojka to porazka. Szkoda czasu

Jason 26. February 2019, 15:55

Żenada.Szkoda czasu.

Kraków 25. February 2019, 17:53

Wyszedłem z kina jak zobaczyłem niedźwiedzia n rowerze. Napił mi Pan w twarz , Panie Vega

lilu 25. February 2019, 12:55

jest zle, lubie Vege dlatego byłem w kinie, ale to jest gwalt na filmie....

oh 25. February 2019, 11:10

dzięki temu "dziełu" można się dowiedzieć, że pod mułem na dnie zalegają jeszcze głębsze warstwy...

bosman 24. February 2019, 17:08

....Vega, takiego gowna i gniota od lat nie widzialem, wez sie za kreskowki moze...

M 24. February 2019, 11:13

Bardzo przeciętny

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