
Cinema program "Joker" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Joker
Original title: Joker
Runtime: 122 min.
Production: USA/Kanada , 2019
Category: crime / drama / thriller
Release Date: 4 October 2019
Distribution: Warner

Directed by: Todd Phillips
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Zazie Beetz, Robert De Niro

The story of one of the most famous supercriminals DC universe - Joker for the first time on the big screen. Phillips's picture of the iconic villain Arthur Fleck (Phoenix), a marginalized man, is not only a controversial study of the characters, but also a tale of caution in a broader context.

Average rate: 7.0
rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0
71 votes. | Rate movie
IMDb© rate: Joker on IMDb

Movie trailer: Joker

Your comments

beata 8. October 2019, 5:05

REWELACJA !! Phoenix - OSCAR za grę, wybitne aktorstwo.

xgosx 6. October 2019, 8:10

Dawno nie oglądałam tak dobrego filmu! Brawo! W końcu mocny, psychologiczny i niebanalny film, który fantastycznie łączy wątki i tworzy genialna całość. Polecam każdemu.

Goja 5. October 2019, 19:51

Fenomenalny Joaquin.

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