

Directed by: Pascal Laugier

Cinema program "Ghostland" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Ghostland
Original title: Ghostland
Runtime: 91 min.
Production: Francja/Kanada , 2018
Category: horror
Release Date: 4 May 2018
Distribution: M2 Films

Directed by: Pascal Laugier
Cast: Rob Archer, Angela Asher, Erik Athavale

Pascal Laugier, master of nightmare and horror, the creator of the legendary "Martyrs. Condemned to fear", returns with a new horror! GHOSTLAND in theaters since May 4!

When the sisters after a dozen or so years return to their old home, in which there was a gruesome attack, it seems that this is just a nightmare memory - but what awaits them will be worse than the demons of the past ...

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