

Directed by: John R. Leonetti

Cinema program "Annabelle" in Gdańsk

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Movie poster Annabelle
Original title: Annabelle
Production: USA , 2014
Category: horror
Release Date: 3 October 2014
Distribution: Warner

Directed by: John R. Leonetti
Cast: Annabelle Wallis, Alfre Woodard, Eric Ladin

John Form is the perfect gift for his pregnant wife Mia - beautiful and rare ancient doll dressed in a crisp white wedding dress. Joy Mii of the gift does not last long, however. One terrible night a couple is attacked at home by the followers of Satan, who brutally attacking spouses. However, spilled blood and terror is not everything, what we will leave. Occultists triggers being so bad that nothing of what they did, you will not be able to match the ominous gateway to the world of the damned, what will happen ... Annabelle.

While in the Presence of Annabelle terrified, here everything for her began. Capable of unimaginable cruelty doll is real. It closed in occult museum in Connecticut, and access to it is only a priest who twice a month makes the rite of sacrifice.


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Movie trailer: Annabelle

Your comments

Prezydent 9. November 2014, 20:46

Właśnie wróciłem z tego filmu i odnoszę wrażenie, że nie utrzymał powagi.

tabaluga 4. November 2014, 19:59

spoko horrorek

maju 2. November 2014, 17:52

1/10 kaszana masakryczna

Pati Hot 30. October 2014, 20:47

całkiem, całkiem, fajny horrorek

wojtuś 28. October 2014, 9:57

ten film to w końcu jest tą kontynuacją tej 'obecności" czy nie jest ? bo w filmie obeność też była chyba taka lalka co sie nazwywała tak i straszy ludzi

Regulator 25. October 2014, 8:47

What a total fail. They knew they couldn't do a movie concerning now without the talents of Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga and James Wan. Why launch a film that isn't equip with the type of scares a few moments in the Conjuring lead with the doll?

KICZOMATOGRAFIA 24. October 2014, 21:40

w sumie nic nowego bo mamy stare ograne schematy z innych filmów żekł bym że taki sobie horror za za dużo krwi za mało strachu tak bym to opisał no ale kto co lubi...jednych wystraszy innych rraczej rozbawi :)

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